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When we as a nation began to realise that this sci-fi novel was actually going to become a reality, I went into Bath to raid the charity shops of any real wool jumpers I could find.....not as easy as one would think. Having been a fan of Nicola Kathrens Rare Knitwear in Lyme Regis and assuming that there would be a distinct lack of work through the next months, I thought I would take the future isolated opportunity to teach myself about upcycling clothes. Using Pinterest for inspiration and as it wasn't particularly warm then, I started with a few jumpers. The rules were/are
that I was to be making for me,
that I could add some new fabric but must be predominantly utilizing used clothes or curtains
that anything made in this period of experimentation is for learning......
I was actually lucky enough to have paid work come in, and in the first weeks I also made about a hundred masks, but for some of the time I experimented as planned. I love it and will make sure that I have future time to carry on and extent what is now a small collection.
After two months of isolation I had coffee with a friend in her garden and showed her what I had done........she wanted to buy them all! That confused and delighted me, I had to go away and price them. GREAT what a lovely surprise and so I decided that although I am making for myself I will offer most of the collection for sale as well. .......and by the way she did buy quite a few.
My pictures are not professionally taken.....obviously I had not intended to be showing them for the moment, but here they are - my work in progress.
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